unload URL=unload URL || set text URL=set the text of || to URL set pictureData URL=set the pictureData of || to URL streamBuffer send CGI data with post=send expression to URL || using send method with callBack send CGI data with get=send expression to URL || using get method with callBack play sound URL=play sound URL || play movie URL=play movie URL || play film URL=play film URL || open URL=open URL || open project URL=open project URL || open film URL=open film URL || with , streamBuffer open card URL=open of project URL || load URL=load URL || into cache streamBuffer with callback kill URL=kill URL || go URL=go URL || go project URL=go project URL || go card URL=go of project URL || close film URL=close film URL || -- there is not=there is not a || there is=there is a || subtract=|| - raised to=|| ^ or=|| or not equal to=|| <> not=not || muliply=|| * modulus=|| mod less than or equal to=|| <= less than=|| < is within=|| is within is not within=|| is not within is not in=|| is not in is not=|| is not is in=|| is in is=|| is integer divide=|| div greater than or equal to=|| >= greater than=|| > equals=|| = divide=|| / contains=|| contains concatenate with space=|| && concatenate=|| & and=|| and add=|| + -- write file=write || to file wait white=wait while || wait until=wait until || wait time=wait for || {ticks|seconds} unlock screen=unlock screen unlock messages=unlock messages unlock errors=unlock error dialogs ungroup=ungroup -- grouped graphic must be selected first type=type || with ] trace=trace || subtract=subtract || from stop movie=get movie(||,stop) stop listening=stop listening start movie=get movie(||,start) start listening=start listening sort=sort || by shuffleForward=shuffleForward -- object must be selected first shuffleBack=shuffleBack -- object must be selected first show window=show || show object=show || show balloon picture resource=show [help] balloon at || with picture {id } / show balloon picture file=show [help] balloon at || with picture file show balloon text=show [help] balloon at || with setWindow=setWindow || setDialogItem=setDialogItem ||,[,] set object property=set || of to set movie property=get movie(||,set,,) set global property=set || to sendBack=sendBack -- object must be selected first send to program=send [file] || to program [with ] [without reply] send message=send || to select text=select || select object=select || say text=say || using || save=save |[all] rotate=rotate polygon -- polygon must be selected first revert=revert reshape=reshape [arc|polygon] -- object must be selected first reset paint=reset paint request appleEvent=request appleEvent || [with keyWord ] request=request || from program reply error=reply error || [with keyword ] reply=reply | remove script=remove script of || from remove movie=get movie(||,remove) remove all scripts=remove all scripts remove all movies=remove movies remove menu=remove menu || record sound=record sound [file] || with quality record pics=record pics record movie=record movie read file until end=read from file || [at ] until read file until char=read from file || [at ] until read file for # chars=read from file || [at ] for quit SuperCard=quit SuperCard put=put || into push card=push card print card=print card popUp menu=popUp || at [with item ] pop card=pop card play sound file=play sound file || play sound=play sound || play pics=play pics || at [] play movie asynchronously=play movie || with [invisible] controller put it into play movie=play movie || play film=play film || play audio=play audio [disc] [mode mono/stereo/left/right/] [track [to ]] / [scan forth/back/stop] / [stop/pause/continue/eject] pick selected=pick selected pick=pick || paste text=paste text paste objects=paste objects paste card=paste card pass=pass || open sound=open sound || open pics=open pics || open movie=open movie || open film=open film || using , open file=open file || open card=open || open window=open || open project=open || notify=notify new menu=new menu || new graphic=new graphic new field=new field new button=new button new card=new card new window=new window new project=new || multiply=multiply || by move object=move || to lock screen=lock screen lock messages=lock messages lock errors=lock error dialogs launch document=launch || with launch application=launch || insert script=insert [the] script of || into insert menu=insert || [as help] insert hierarchical menu=insert || into idle=get movie(||,idle) hide window=hide || hide object=hide || hide controllers=hide [movie] controllers hide balloon=hide [help] balloon group=group -- graphics must be selected first grabber=grabber go card=go || go window=go || get movie property=get movie(||,get,) get=get || find=find || [in ] export card=export card to file || enable menu=enable || enable button=enable || edit script=edit script of | drag=drag from || to doMenu=doMenu || do=do || divide=divide || by disable menu=disable || disable button=disable || dial=dial || [with modem ] delete file=delete file || delete text=delete (||) delete object=delete || delete card=delete card delete window=delete window -- window must be current define=define the || of cycle colors=cycle all cut text=cut text cut object=cut || cut card=cut card cut=cut copy movie=get movie(||,copy) copy text=copy text copy object=copy || copy card=copy card copy=copy convert=convert || to compact=compact close pics=close pics close movie=close movie close film=close film || close window=close || close project=close || close all windows=close all windows click=click at ||, clear object(s)=clear -- object must be selected first choose tool=choose || tool bringFront object(s)=bringFront -- object must be selected first beep=beep ask password=ask password || [with ] [at ] ask list=ask list || [prompt ] [with [or ]] [using ] [hilitedLines ] [at ] [return text/lines] ask file=ask file || [with ] [at ] ask=ask || [with ] [at ] answer folder=answer folder || [at ] answer file=answer file || [of type [or [or ]]] [at ] answer=answer || [with [or [or ]]] [at ] add=add || to